SharePoint 2010 Roles and Skills Matrix Infographic (Structuring a SharePoint Practise)

Structuring a SharePoint Practice – the info-graphic version

I’ve been thinking about putting this graphic together for a while now, ever since I got my copy of The SharePoint 2010 Handbook a few months back. Full credit to John Timney (@jtimney) the author of the chapter that this is derived from.

I hope people find it useful and informative about the skills & roles involved in SharePoint. Due to some limitations in the paradigm of presenting the information this way certain sacrifices had to made for the sake of getting things to fit and appear logically. Still, it’s just a version on the road to 1.0.

When it comes to the seniority grades, roles have been dropped in the various positions just as starting points rather than the ceilings that these roles can achieve.


Hopefully with constructive feedback and comments from the community this can be improved with on.